


Autoimmune Encephalitis in Psychiatry
Ko TSUTSUI1,2,3, Yuki OMORI4, Takashi KANBAYASHI5,6, Tomonori KATO1, Yushi SAGA1, Kazuo MISHIMA3, Tetsuo SHIMIZU7, Yukio KATO1, Keiko TANAKA8
1 Kato Hospital Department of Psychiatry
2 Hiraka General Hospital Department of Psychiatry
3 Akita University School of Medicine Department of Neuropsychiatry Section of Neuro and Locomotor Science
4 Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
5 Ibaraki Prefectural Medical Center of Psychiatry
6 International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine
7 Yukyuso Geriatric Health Services Facility
8 Department of Animal Model Development, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 126: 134-142, 2024

 Various autoantibodies against neuronal surface antigens and related encephalitis/encephalopathy have been identified since the 2000s. Currently, about 20 types of autoantibodies, including anti-NMDAR and anti-LGI-1 antibodies, have been found to be involved in various pathological conditions such as encephalitis/encephalopathy and demyelinating diseases. Some important symptoms and syndromes that psychiatrists should identify include psychiatric and behavioral disorders, cognitive dysfunction, seizures, and sleep disorders. Early diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis/encephalopathy can be expected to have a good prognosis especially if it is followed by prompt administration of immunotherapy. Provided that the psychiatrists diagnosed autoimmune encephalitis/encephalopathy correctly, the patients are transferred to neurology department. Because autoimmune encephalitis/encephalopathy frequently presents with EEG abnormalities, EEG testing should be performed to confirm the presence of slow waves and epileptic discharge. As one of the salient and initial symptoms of autoimmune encephalitis/encephalopathy is psychiatric, which is difficult to differentiate from a first-episode psychiatric disorder, psychiatrists may receive consultations from family doctors. Suspected cases should be promptly referred to appropriate medical care, with as much testing as possible performed at each facility.
 Authors' abstract

Keywords:anti-NMDAR encephalitis, sleep disorder, autoimmune encephalitis>


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