


A Survey on Nationwide Psychiatric Medical Facilities' Names and Clinical Departments
Narihiro KOSAKA
Faculty of Sport Sciences, Nihon Fukushi University
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 125: 753-761, 2023
Accepted in revised form: 12 April 2023.

 [Purpose] This survey aimed to clarify two aspects related to psychiatric clinics and hospitals: 1) the frequently used words in the names of their institution, and 2) the names of the clinical departments.
 [Methods] The names and departments of participating facilities were collected, and a database was created. The terms appearing in the names and the departments at each institution were examined. In addition, comparison was made to otorhinolaryngology clinics.
 [Results and Discussion] A high percentage (77.7%) of otorhinolaryngology clinics listed "otorhinolaryngology (ENT)" in the name of their clinic; however, the percentage of psychiatry clinics that listed "psychiatry" in the name of their clinic was extremely low at 0.2%. "Mental" (17.0%) and "mind" (10.3%), likely functioning as alternatives to "psychiatry," were more prevalent. In terms of psychiatric hospitals, only 0.6% had "psychiatry" in their name, and even "mental" (0.7%) and "mind" (3.2%) were not prevalent; thus, psychiatric hospitals may be indistinguishable from general hospitals just by looking at the name. The top three department names were psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, and internal medicine.
 [Summary] We found that few institutions had the term "psychiatry" in their name. As many institutions had "psychosomatic medicine" as a clinical department, this suggests that the perception of the general public, including patients was considered in the naming of the institution, and that there is a stigma associated with "psychiatry". Further studies are needed to investigate ways to reduce the stigma of "psychiatry" such as through educational activities.
 Author's abstract

Keywords:psychiatry, medical advertising, subject of medical treatment, stigma>


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