


Eugen Bleuler: The Originator of the Theory of Schizophrenia
Kazuhiko HITOMI
Professor emeritus KINDAI University
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 125: 709-719, 2023

 Eugen Bleuler was a Swiss psychiatrist. As the fifth chief professor of the psychiatric university hospital Zurich (Burghölzli), he advocated for the concept of "Schizophrenia" instead of "Dementia Praecox" as Kraepelin did. This idea was first published in 1908, then known across the world by his book "Dementia praecox or the group of schizophrenias" in 1911. He thought that splitting the different psychic functions is an important feature of this mental disorder and research from such a psychological viewpoint would bring a new perspective. This idea was developed under the strong influence of S. Freud's psychoanalysis. C. G. Jung also played an important role. Bleuler gave four primary fundamental symptoms for schizophrenia coined Bleuler's 4 A: associate disturbance or loosening of association, autism, affective incongruity or inappropriate affect, and ambivalence. Hallucination and delusion were categorized as accessory symptoms. The Swiss democratic political climate must have contributed to Bleuler's psychoanalytical understanding of schizophrenia. Burghoelzli became the world's first psychiatric university hospital that introduced and clinically evaluated psychoanalysis because Bleuler supported Freud's idea even though it was repeatedly and heavily criticized by German psychiatry at that time.
 Bleuler's representative literal works, his personal history, his careers, his family, especially his sister Anna who suffered from psychosis, and his work with Nijinsky and his wife will be presented. Manfred Bleuler, who is Eugen Bleuler's first son and the seventh chief professor of Burghölzli, and his work will be mentioned at the end. "The autistic-undisciplined thinking in the medicine and its conquest" is full of suggestions to consider when thinking about how the whole health care system is currently overwhelmed by the coronavirus pandemic.

Keywords:Eugen Bleuler, schizophrenia, theory, personal history, Burghölzli>


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