


Long-term Trajectories of Schizophrenia
Graduate School of Clinical Psychology, Teikyo Heisei University
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 125: 657-669, 2023
Accepted in revised form: 20 February 2023.

 Early and comprehensive intervention including medication and psycho-social treatment improves remission from first acute phase of schizophrenia. Maintenance medication such as long-acting injection and programs of relapse prevention are useful for vulnerable period of relapse and produces social participation. Because psychiatric symptoms, social functioning, and interpersonal relationship are improved somewhat independently, interventions aiming at each domain are required. Long-term prognosis of schizophrenia over 20 years did not change significantly from early 20th century to 21st century at the point of the rate of recovery including psychiatric symptoms and social functioning. However, deteriorating course might be reduced. There are much risk factors which have small effects on prognosis, and most of these risk factors are difficult to modify (ex. aversive circumstance during childhood). Trajectories of schizophrenia could modify little with our technologies. Low level of social adaption would tend to endure in life course of schizophrenia. The shortage of life about 10-20 years compared with general population is also one of topics recently. Medication is definitely effective for relapse prevention in short-term prognosis although long-term effect on life course of schizophrenia remains question. The guideline of discontinuing medication is required. Young investigators over world are expected to produce in order to improve long-term prognosis as followed; the intervention technologies of preventing psychosis for at-risk state, the system and principles of comprehensive treatment for one team from early stage of illness to successful community living, dissemination of social model and reasonable accommodation, challenging to produce new treatment against tough symptoms such as negative symptoms, and developing value-based intervention which drives life-long behaviors.
 Author's abstract

Keywords:schizophrenia, long-term prognosis, remission, recovery, social model>


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