


Securing Houses for People with Mental Disorders―From Experiences of Supporting Destitute Individuals―
Furusatono-kai,"Non-Profit Organization for Self-Support Assistance"
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 118: 673-679, 2016

 The Home Association (NPO) mainly supports single destitute individuals, and there are many with dementia or disabilities among its service recipients. Also, Home Co., Ltd. has helped people transition from facilities or hospitals into the community when they cannot obtain approval for housing from surety companies. In the meantime, surety business has faced problems as their clients age and associated accident rates rise. On the other hand, the landlords have also aged themselves and management of their properties has become increasingly difficult. In light of this situation, we started what we call the "drawing-close community project," where we draw close to the anxious landlords, focus on the vacant houses as a resource, combine housing issues and livelihood support, and provide a community salon where people can get together. This project explores the possibility of landlords and real estate business people taking the lead in the project and also playing a major role in rebuilding the community. In order to realize the slogan "live in a familiar land until the last moment, even with dementia," livelihood support prevents functional impairment from impairing people's lives and promotes life in the community where residents' connections are valued. Energy to live is enhanced when life is based on mutual support and the residents feel the reassurance of being "protected" and take pride in "protecting" others and the community. The community salon facilitates mutual support in the community, as well as provides employment opportunities for those with unsteady employment and those who have been socially withdrawn. It also helps reduce the risks commonly seen in the community, such as domestic nursing and growing poverty. In order for landlords and property businesses to provide vacant houses without concerns, "livelihood support" must be socially credible and its quality must be maintained at a high level. We have proposed to administrative bodies that livelihood support should be recognized and they support, financially or otherwise, the employee training, thereby officially authorizing the livelihood support activities. Housing and livelihood support also works closely with other professional services, such as medicine, nursing and prevention. If "transition to the community and reduction of hospital beds" are to be promoted, we should acknowledge that it is an important issue how livelihood support and medical services can closely cooperate with each other, while being considerate toward each other.
 <Author's abstract>

Keywords:vacant houses, landlords and real estate business, housing and livelihood support, drawing-close community project>


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