


Uses of Language in Psychotherapy―at the Place Where the Evaluation Becomes Divided
Kitayama Psychoanalytic Office
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 117: 465-471, 2015

 The psychiatrist sometimes has to read a patients' tragic script. There has been a point of view since long ago that one has a repetitive script of life, reversing roles, and Freudian psychoanalysis tries to make such a script conscious, reading it word by word. There is a script of life which was implanted together with one's special others during infancy, which is called object relations. If such a repetitive object relation is to be repeated always in a tragic manner, it is better to read it. The purpose of reading the script is to rethink and rewrite it. However, any historical events that actually took place cannot be changed. In addition, psychoanalysis has a history of being initiated from “dramatic” hysterics and we can say that it has a dramatic point of view of thinking about the patients' life in terms of dramatic metaphors from the beginning. Moreover, there is a point of view of reading the psychological movement as a drama of actors/actresses and therapy might also become a drama. The word ‘transference' frequently used in the psychoanalysis also indicates the repetition in a clinical relationship such as script of mind or object relations. Then, the analytic therapist understands the events, while participating in the clinical setting, attends the drama as an object in the script and sometimes plays such given role. In the therapeutic relations in play therapy for children, the script of drama is repeated, which can be called a dramatization of transference. The English word ‘play' can also signify ‘drama' and therefore it becomes a goal of therapists of children to read and understand the story, while participating in the drama. Thus, the interpretation of transference in psychoanalysis is the words made to trace and to re-weave the script of one's life story.
 <Author's abstract>

Keywords:psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, dramatic point of view, transference, dramatization>


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