


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis(CBTp):The Concept and Current Practice
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 115: 372-378, 2013

 Cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT) is now being used to treat schizophrenia. Such therapy is referred to as CBT for psychosis(CBTp). Some techniques employed in CBT for mood and anxiety disorders are also useful in the treatment of schizophrenia. Therapists also need to be attentive regarding the establishment of a rapport and relationship with patients, and they should be aware of the characteristic cognitive biases associated with schizophrenia. The guidelines for CBTp proposed by some research and clinical groups include:(1)collaborative empiricism,(2)improvement of flexibility in cognition and behavior, as well as enhancement of coping strategies,(3)extensive evaluation and case formulation,(4)normalization of information deficit, and(5)prevention of relapse. Several clinical studies in European and North American countries have provided strong evidence for the effectiveness of CBTp. However, some questions remain unanswered. In Japan, in line with the national psychiatric service system, CBTp is expected to be developed further and practiced to improve the QOL of individuals with schizophrenia.

Keywords:cognitive behavioral therapy, schizophrenia, positive symptoms, formulation>


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