


Issues in Cooperation related to Administrative Involuntary Hospitalizations from the viewpoint of a Psychiatric Emergency Core Hospital
Kyoto Prefectural Rakunan Hospital
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 125: 406-414, 2023

 Kyoto Prefectural Rakunan Hospital is a psychiatric emergency medical core hospital in the southern part of Kyoto Prefecture. It receives about 70% of the patients referred from the psychiatric emergency information center, and because it is a public hospital, also receives most of the emergency medical examinations on nights and holidays. At such times, it may be difficult to conduct a preliminary survey; thus, a medical examination conducted with insufficient information gathering. For this reason, there are cases in which there is a possibility that medical examination may not be necessary due to liaison and coordination with judicial organizations such as when there was a serious harmful activity or when there are no psychotic symptoms. As a result, it may be difficult to respond at the time of medical examination or after hospitalization. In addition, in post-discharge support after hospitalization, there are cases where discharge support does not proceed because the support of the local government cannot be received such as when the patient has little connection with the community due to the history of imprisonment. Regarding such cases, it is necessary to cooperate and divide roles between community mental health and welfare-related organizations and judicial-related organizations, however, the points of contact are limited and cooperation is difficult. So, I think that creating a mechanism and rules for cooperation is an issue. Recently, support for the establishment of community life by judicial organizations is being implemented; however, their ultimate purpose is to prevent recidivism, which is different from the purpose of community mental health and welfare. Therefore, in order to enable cooperation and division of roles, it is important to give due consideration to the protection of rights, such as the will of the individual, and the protection of personal information.
 Author's abstract

Keywords:psychiatric emergency, involuntary hospitalizations, judicial agencies, cooperation, advocacy>


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