


Development of the Community Mental Health System and Activities of the Community Mental Health Team in Kawasaki City
Masato ITO
Kawasaki City Mental Health and Welfare Center
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 114: 445-451, 2012

 Since the 1960s, Kawasaki City has been leading the nation in its efforts regarding community mental health practices. Public institutions such as the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center in the central area of the city and the Mental Health and Welfare Center in the southern area have mainly developed the psychiatric rehabilitation system.
 However, since 2000, new mental health needs have emerged, as the target of mental health and welfare services has been diversified to include people with developmental disorders,higher brain dysfunction,or social withdrawal,in addition to those with schizophrenia. Therefore, Kawasaki City’s plan for community-based rehabilitation was drawn up, which makes professional support available for individuals with physical, intellectual, and mental disabilities. As the plan was being implemented, in 2008, the Northern Community Rehabilitation Center was established by both the public and private sectors in partnership.
 After the community mental health teams were assigned to both southern and northern areas of the city, the community partnership has been developed not only for individual support but also for other objectives that required the partnership. Takeshima pointed out that the local community should be inclusive of the psychiatric care in the final stage of community mental health care in Japan. Because of the major policies regarding people with disabilities,the final stage has been reached in the northern area of Kawasaki City. This also leads to improvement in measures for major issues in psychiatry, such as suicide prevention and intervention in psychiatric disease at an early stage.

Keywords:community mental health system, community mental health team, psychiatric rehabilitation, plans for disabled persons, outreach service>


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