


Sleep-wake Disorders
Makoto HONDA
Sleep Disorders Project, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 124: 192-197, 2022

 The classification of Sleep-wake Disorders has been hindered by the structural problem of ICD-10, which is based on the traditional concept of dichotomizing neurological (organic) and psychiatric (non-organic) Sleep-wake Disorders without appropriate evidence or clinical validity. Recent advances in sleep science and Sleep-wake Disorders have clarified separate entities, which were incorporated into the third edition of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-3). ICD-11 classifies Sleep-wake Disorders in one independent chapter corresponding to the updated ICSD-3. ICD-11 is expected to provide key statistics to promote research and sleep medicine.
 Author's abstract

Keywords:Insomnia Disorder, Hypersomnolence Disorder, Sleep-related Breathing Disorder, Circadian Rhythm Sleep-wake Disorder, Parasomnia Disorders, ICSD-3>


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