


Specialized Outpatient Perinatal Mental Health Services at a General Hospital without a Psychiatric Ward
Takaaki YASUDA
Department of Psychiatry, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 120: 39-44, 2018

 Awareness of the importance of maternal mental health has grown among obstetricians, and the need for consultation liaison psychiatrists at general hospitals has been increasing. The author established specialized outpatient perinatal mental health services at a general hospital without inpatient psychiatric care. The significance of a specialized outpatient clinic includes ensuring adequate time for consultation, promoting a sense of responsibility among psychiatrists and medical staff, establishing a consultation window, and accumulating experience on perinatal mental health care. Clinical practice involving specialized outpatient services is based on a liaison model.
 As we cannot offer inpatient psychiatric care, we must always be aware of signs and symptoms of those who are likely to need inpatient psychiatric care. For the early treatment of mental disorders, we must check the patient's risk factors, initial symptoms, and social support. By observing the stable state of the patient carefully, we can recognize any worsening of the patient's symptoms at an early stage.
 Collaboration between psychiatrists and liaison nurses is useful. Liaison nurses can fulfil a bridging role between psychiatrists and other professionals.
 <Author's abstract>

Keywords:consultation liaison psychiatry, perinatal mental health, multidisciplinary team>


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