


How Multidisciplinary Team Approach can be Implemented at Psychiatric Hospital
Kouhei HORIKAWA1, Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA2
1 Nozoe Hospital
2 Department of Neuropsychiatry, NTT Medical Center Tokyo
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 120: 436-444, 2018

 The term "multidisciplinary team approach" is often used as if its meaning were evident and self-explanatory. In this chapter, we explain how "multidisciplinary team approach" can be actually practiced at psychiatric hospital so that admission life can be more therapeutic and that the patient's discharge and transition into community can be facilitated. Thus, this article discusses "Perspective and team composition that focuses on the patient's psychological mechanism," "Hospital as a system and its integrative function," "Differentiation of functions within hospital to facilitate the patient's seamless improvement," "Interwoven therapeutic programs between those by department and those by illness and problems." The perspectives are how to establish multi-disciplinary team approach at psychiatric hospital, to maintain a flow of the patient and to make hospital a therapeutic community. The experience of psychiatric hospital as "a therapeutic community," with minimum use of medication, will prepare the patient to participate in the life in the community and experience it as "community of support."
 <Authorʼs abstract>

Keywords:multidisciplinary team approach, psychological mechanism, hospital system, functional differentiation, therapeutic community>


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