


The Logic behind Discrimination and Psychiatric Care in Japan
Seishisha (Archives of Psychiatric History)
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 120: 221-226, 2018

 In contemporary days discrimination often makes a pretense of medicine. In Japan mental illness has been a subject of discrimination. The most illustrative evidence is the scanty of official psychiatric beds. The national and local governments have paid too little attention to psychiatric care. Eugenic Protection Law primarily targeted the mentally ill, and mental illness was seen as something that had to be excluded. In 1996, eugenic provisions of Eugenic Protection Law were abolished, and the law was renamed Maternal Protection Law. However, the roots of discrimination of the mentally ill run deep and still growing.
 <Author's abstract>

Keywords:National Eugenic Law, Eugenic Protection Law, Maternal Protection Law, new eugenics, Sagamihara slaughter>


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