


Curriculum of the New Certificate Psychiatrist System of the Japanese Board of Psychiatry―What Items are Applied Each Year for Three Years, and How Training Psychiatrists are Evaluated―
Ohmiya Kosei Hospital
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 118: 333-338, 2016

 The new certificate psychiatrist system of the Japanese Board of Psychiatry is discussed from the viewpoint of the improvement of the current certificate psychiatrist system.
 In the new system, training items are applied each year for three years. Actually general items and particular disease items of the current training book are rearranged in the new system. The results of training psychiatrists are evaluated multi-dimensionally and two-way communicatively. The instructing doctor evaluates the performance of training psychiatrists at the time of completing the program at all training hospitals and gives some feedback to the psychiatrists. Staff with multiple occupations also evaluate the training psychiatrists. The training psychiatrists also evaluate the instructing doctors and training program. The program management committee of each basic training hospital collaborates with the training committee of the cooperative training hospitals to examine and evaluate the training results, and improve the program.
 <Author's abstract>

Keywords:new certificate psychiatrist system of the Japanese Board of Psychiatry, yearly divided training items, multi-dimensional and two-way communicative evaluation>


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