


Trend in ICD-11 Primary Health Care Version -Possibility of Introducing New Psychiatric Diagnosis Categories
Hideyuki Nakane
Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Science, Unit of Rehabilitation Sciences
Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 116: 61-69, 2014

 Revision of ICD-11 will be submitted for approval at the general assembly in 2015. The influence of the ICD revision will be marked in the field of psychiatry. The trend in developing ICD-11-PHC is promoting cooperation with primary carers.
 The goals of the revision of ICD-11-PHC are as follows: 1) To produce a classification system that corresponds more closely to common mental disorders encountered in general medical practice; 2) The "co-morbidity" we want practitioners to recognize is that between physical and psychological disorders; 3) To allow dimensions of severity of some common disorders to be recognized, rather than case/non-case distinctions.
 The ICD-11-PHC draft consists of 28 categories and detailed clinical descriptions. The number of categories has increased in the ICD-11-PHC draft in comparison with ICD-10-PHC. Anxiety disorders such as neurasthenia, and phobic disorders and panic disorder have been deleted. On the other hand, new diagnostic categories such as autistic spectrum disorder, PTSD, and personality disorder have been introduced. Furthermore, name changes such as anxious depression, bodily stress syndrome, health anxiety, and persistent psychotic disorders have been suggested. We should be aware of such new diagnostic concepts. In addition, it is thought that it is necessary for us to deepen our understanding of ICD-11, which will be important in the future.
 <Author's abstract>

Keywords:ICD-10-PHC, ICD-11-PHC, anxious depression, bodily stress syndrome, primary health care>


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