


Analysis of Consultation Records at Hikikomori Regional Support Center in Gifu Prefecture: What Kind of Hikikomori Consulted for Support Center?
Akihiro NISHIO1, Terumi YASUDA2
1 Health Administration Center, Gifu University
2 Gifu Mental Health Welfare Center
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 122: 658-665, 2020
Accepted in revised form: 9 May 2020.

 This study analyzed the records of 225 new visitors at the Hikikomori Regional Support Center in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, to clarify their attributes and the relationship between their work histories and other attributes, such as their educational background, experience of school refusal, psychiatric diagnosis, and so on. As a result, it was found that those who visited the Gifu Prefectural Hikikomori Regional Support Center were younger and more highly educated, and that more experienced school refusal, than those in the surveys by the National Cabinet Office and the questionnaire surveys of the resident volunteers conducted by other local governments. In addition, those who experienced school refusal had a tendency to not have had continual work, and many did not even leave the home. Furthermore, by analyzing the participants aged 23 years and over, it was found that about half (45.8%) of those who had experienced school refusal had no work experience, whereas those who had not experienced school refusal had the most work experience, which was categorized as "more than 3 years". When examining the relationship with the final educational background, junior high school graduates had less job experience of more than a year than other educational categories. In relation to the psychiatric diagnosis, most people with mental illness were found among those who had worked for more than 3 years(12.2%).

KeywordsHikikomori (social withdrawal), school refusal, Hikikomori Regional Support Center>


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