


Comprehensive Care with Multidisciplinary Specialists for Pregnant and Puerperal Women with Depression and Anxiety during the Perinatal Period
Hitomi SEINO, Masahiro KOKAI, Hisato MATSUNAGA
Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hyogo College of Medicine
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 120: 25-31, 2018

 The transition to motherhood can trigger psychological and developmental crises characterized by a range of changes requiring coping with a new identity as well as object loss. These changes in pregnant and puerperal women induce depression and anxiety that may persist and may range from normal and adaptive to pathological and maladaptive levels. Psychoeducation and family education regarding perinatal mental conditions, and supporting methods that prevent pathological depression and anxiety, are beneficial for the women as well as for their partners and family members. Furthermore, while evaluating mental status via screenings and interviews, it is necessary for multidisciplinary specialists to provide comprehensive care for pregnant and puerperal women. The care includes help with the perinatal decision-making process, facilitating the mourning process, help adjusting to one's new role, building social support, supporting formation of bonds, help acquiring parenting skills, and recommending of self-care practices. Through such comprehensive care by multidisciplinary specialists, women's psychosocial functioning is enhanced, and proper support from their partner and family can result. These outcomes help in ensuring the ability to overcome related crises.
 <Authors' abstract>

Keywords:depression, anxiety, pregnancy, postpartum, multidisciplinary collaboration>


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